In the irc guide the goal was to get you on irc and able to talk to people. hopefully once you start using irc you won’t stop and with the amount of time you are about to spend on irc you should tune it for you.
over the course of the guide we are going to be going over two things how to use weechat and how to configure weechat.
To go along with this guide I have created a quick and dirty weechat guide. where this guide goes over the what why and how of changes made, the quick guide simply hands you some weechat configs and goes ovther the basics of how to use them. if you are a new user the quick guide will save you time and help get you going. if you are a current weechat user I recommned you go though this guide and decied for yourself what changes you want to make to your cofigs.
In weechat everything lives in a buffer (kinda like a tab). The /buffer
command is used to manipulate buffers. As you increase the number buffers you
have Alt-[1-0] will no longer suffice. There are a few other ways to switch
between buffers the most useful is simply /buffer #
. You can set up an alias
for this /alias b /buffer
now you can just type /b #
. You can also use
to move through them one buffer at a time.
/buffer move #
will move your current buffer to that number, pushing all
others back. not only will this help you keep your buffers orginized, but
latter on could help with your hotlist order (get to that in a little).
To close your curent buffer use /buffer close
or just /close
Weechat also supports merged buffers where you have two or more sources of
content (that would otherwise be their own buffer) sharing one buffer. massage
in this buffer are given an extra label to show what source they came from. An
example of this is buffer 1 (by default) which is a merged buffer between the
weechat application buffer and the freenode server buffer. if you join other
servers additional server buffers will be merged into buffer 1. when you are in
a merged buffer you can use ctrl-x
to switch between what buffer you are
typing in, the network and channel sections of the status bar will reflect the
currently selected buffer.
You can create merged buffers using /buffer merge #
this will merge your
current buffer with that buffer. you can then use /buffer unmerge
to unmerge
your current sub-buffer into its own new buffer. The only time I ever create
merged buffers is for multi server pm’s (see servers section).
Scripts (not really)
We will get to scripts latter in this guide but before we start doing anything there is one script we need to install.
Weechat has built in script management simply run:
from there scroll down to iset
and hit i+enter
to install it, now just
that buffer and we are ready to go.
WeeChat settings are really easy, we are going to start by opening up that script we just installed.
This will open a new buffer with iset, it gives you a list of every setting in weechat. To search for a setting just start typing and hit enter, to clear your search just search for ‘*’. The top bar of iset will show you a few of the commands you can use. the 3 line box below that will show you a description of the current setting, available options, and its default option. To change a settings value you can use the following commands.
- Alt-enter: edit value*
- Alt-Space: toggle value*
*You may have issues with you local terminal trying to grab these key combos, the solution to this can vary based on terminal. If you run into problems dont be afraid to ask in #osu-lug.
once you have made a change it will go into effect immediately, you can run
to save the changes to disk. DONT FORGET TO SAVE, if you don’t save
changes will not persist though weechat restarts. like any buffer you can close
iset by running /close
in the buffer.
its also worth noting that without iset an opstion can be changed using /set option value
or just /set option
to see its current vaule.
Status Bar
I mentioned in the irc guide that weechat’s default status colors suck
(contrast hard??? idk) so lets fix that. pull up iset and search for status
We care about two sections here:
-*: controls the bar itself (item orter, position, background color…)
- weechat.color.status_*: controls the colors used in the hotlist
I highly recommend that you try messing with the colors yourself until you find
something you like. you can run /color
to see supported colors (e+enter
inside of /color will give you the supported colors in english).
This is the theme I use personally: [][] = default = magenta = yellow
weechar.color.status_count_highlight = lightred
weechar.color.status_count_msg = blue
weechar.color.status_count_other = gray
weechar.color.status_count_private = lightred
weechar.color.status_data_highlight = lightred
weechar.color.status_data_msg = yellow
weechar.color.status_data_other = yellow
weechar.color.status_data_private = red
weechar.color.status_filter = green
weechar.color.status_more = red
weechar.color.status_name = lightgreen
weechar.color.status_name_ssl = lightgreen
weechar.color.status_number = lightgreen
weechar.color.status_time = yellow
weechar.color.status.separator = on
Now that we have it looking good lets talk about functionality. by default weechat will order your hotbar based on the current channel activity (channel with most resent message first). This will often put any large public channels with frequent active conversations ahead of smaller channels that aren’t as active. For me there more than a few smaller channels that take priority regardless of activity. I have weechat set to always display any buffer with activity in order of buffer number regardless of time or amount of activity.
weechat.look.hostlist_sort = group_number_asc
You can also address the hotbar on a buffer to buffer level. /buffer notify [level]
will set the notification level for the current buffer to one of the
following levels
- none: never
- highlight: for highlights only
- message: for messages from users + highlights
- all: all messages
Now that we have our hostlist in a good order a very usefull defult keybinding
is Alt-a. Alt-a
will take you to the first buffer in your hotlist (this is
proably the biggest way I move between buffers).
Look and Feel
In addishion to the defult status bar haveing horible colors, there are few more defualts that are pretty ugly, im not a big fan of the yellow on magenta highlight color that can be change at
- weechat.color.chat_highlight- weechat.color.chat_highlight_bg
weechat adds a place marker to unfocused buffers to show you where you last left off in that buffer. By defult it is a sparse magenta line. I like to have stand out more.
- weechat.color.chat_read_marker (change the color to somthing bighter, I use lightgreen)
- weechat.look.read_marker_string (I removed the space to make it a more soild line)
Alot of people like to turn of the nicklist on the right side to save pexels. Inteded of disabling it lets set up a toggle key so we can easily turn it on and off.
`/key bind meta-n /bar toggle nicklist`.
When we first connected to freenode we didn’t do anything special, but just like any other options servers can be configured using iset. search for irc.server, this will give you the settings for all of your servers by their names plus the defaults. Lets take a look at the “freenode” server (irc.server.freenode)
- connect: automatically connect to this server when weechat lunches. (on|off)
- irc.server.freenode.autojoin: comma separated list of channels to join when connected to server. (there is a script to help populate this field, we’ll get to that soon)
- irc.server.freenode.nicks: comma separated list of nick(s), it will try the nicks in order until it finds a free one.
- irc.server.freenode.password: weechat is smart enough to know how to identify you with nickserv. I can’t guarantee this will work on all networks but most support the same standard.
- irc.server.freenode.username: will be used for identifying insted for you nick if populated, you can have more than one nick registered to an account (ask nickserv about groups)
I’ll let you go through the rest on your own but those are a few that you will probably want use.
Freenode is only one of many irc networks, and while all of the cool channels are on freenode there are some kinda okay ones on other networks. With weechat we can connect to as many networks as we want with one unified interface. For this example lets connect to the CAT irc server.
/server add cat -autoconnect -password=hunter2
(if you do connect I recommened you join #cschat, its kinda like PSU's #osu-lug)
In this example we added a server named cat, we also edited a few options right
off the bat so we wont have to go in and change/add them later. You will
notice a new buffer has been merged into buffer 1. As mentioned before we
can use ctrl-x
to cycle between which sub-buffer we are in and you can look at
the status bar to see the current buffer. From here you can join channels just
like you would before the only difference is keeping track of what channels are
on what network. You can also add another “server” to create multiple
connections to the same network, this can be useful if you use different nicks
in different channels.
When connected to mulbible servers /q
and /msg
will be based on the server
of your current buffer. I have been known to pm with the same person
accross 2-3 servers, which is a great time to use merged buffers.
Scripts (for relas)
We installed one scripts at the start of this now lets take another look at
. Scripts are weechat’s versions of plugins (though weechat does also
have “plugins” at a much lower level) they can be written in lua, perl, python,
or ruby and can add a lot of extra functionality. Start by opening /script
again, you will get a list of the available scripts.
The first column will be almost empty (except for iset) but as you install more scripts it will be populated with a series of letters that represent the state of the scripts.
- *: popular scripts
- i: script is currently installed
- a: autoload, script will be loaded when weechat starts-up
- n: new version of the script available
- r: script is currently running
The rest of /script
is pretty straightforward with all of the useful
commands listed on the top bar.
So lets take a look at some spific scripts available. We’ll start by looking at the “popular scripts”, we’ve already used iset so lets start with buffers.
Now that we are starting to open all of these buffers (iset, color, script…)
it is getting hard to keep track of what’s where, and thats not even counting
channels. The buffers plugin will add a sidebar to show you all of your
buffers. Once installed you can toggle the bar on and off using /bar toggle buffers
. If that’s not fast enough for you we can make a new keybind /key bind meta-b /bar toggle buffers
now simply hit Alt-b to toggle the buffer
list. You might also notice that the buffers sidebar has it own color scheme. If
you pull up iset and search for ‘buffers’ you will see that its color
options are very similar to nd meta-b /bar toggle buffersthe status bar options we were working with before.
The next recommended plugin is the beep plugin this plugin will let you perform an action when you are highlighted/massaged. By default it will use you shells $bell command to send the notification. If you pull up ‘beep’ in iset you can change what command/script it will run as well as set up whitelists/blacklists of any nicks/chans you do or don’t want to be notify on. keep in mind at this point we are passing weechat though many layers, screen, remote shell, ssh, local shell, terminal, so actually getting alerts on your local system can be tricky. For the time being diving into beep is outside the scope of this guide. there are also many alternatives for this script, some of which are much more powerful, search for notify to see more then a few.
The final recommended plugin is urlserver. when running in a smaller window
urls tend to get mangled and become unclickable and hard to copy. in some
channels there are bots like hamper that will shorten urls (I dont think hamper
acctualy does but she could, /me blames mython). this plugin will shorten the
urls client side insuring you can click links in all of your channels. the
shortened urls will show up directly below any link. the big thing that makes
urlserver special is that it actually runs its own web proxy to server the
links. that also means on some more lockeddown servers you many have
firewall/port binding issues using this script. like beep if you search for
url in /script
you will find more than a few alternatives. Most of them just
use a traditional url shortener, personally I have found urlserver to work the
Outside the “popular scripts” there are a few more that I recommend you try
out, the first of these is autojoin. Earlier I mentioned the
irc.server.[server].autojoin server option for channels you want to autojoin.
With this plugin you can simply run /autojoin
and it will populate those
fields for you with your current channel list. as you start joinning more
channels you will want to rerun that commned to added them to the list.
colorize_nicks will simply set the color of any nick manshaned in any message to the same color you would se if that nick sent a massage.
Smart Filter
Weechat supports arbitrary filters to any buffer. these filters simply hide any message/notify/action from been seen, it still keeps that information it just does not display it. when creating a new fillter there are three values you can give it.
- buffer: what buffer the filter will be applied to (* = all buffers, ! will exclude a buffer, and you can do somthing like irc.freenode.*)
- tags: filter based on content’s tags (see below)
- regex: a regex pattern to match
the most interesting of the three is the tags field, pretty much everything in
weechat is tagged. If you want to take a look that the tags you can toggle them
on and off with /debug tags
. Most of these tags are pretty start forward, and
I never needed use any of them with one exception. Thats the irc_smart_filter tag,
this tag is given to all joins/parts/nick changes if the user in question has
not said anything in the past five minutes. it will also unmask (untag) any
joins if the person says something within 30 minutes of their join. the theory
is that you only care about joins/parts/nick changes if they could affect an
immediate conversation, but otherwise they just create a lot of noise.
personally I fillter this tag on all of my buffers. To turn this filter on just
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *
sometimes it nice to be able to see everything though so I also use this key binding to let be toggle the filter on and off
/key bind meta-f /filter toggle irc_smart
If you like the idea of the smart filter but want to tweak it take a look at
the irc.look.smart_filter
Finally one of my favorite fetures of weechat is relays. As you have all learned by now, one of the trobles of irc is that you always have to be connected. Running weechat on a remote server solves that probleam but if you have ever tried to connect to an irc screen from your phone you know its not great its not perfect. Weechat’s relays give any other applicashion the abblity to talk directly to weechat. one of thoese is the weechat andriod app which makes checking irc from or phone easy. to start a relay just run
/relay add weechat 8001
(This will add a relay liestening on port 8001, you will need to find a free port that is not firewalled off. if your on a shell server this could be a little tricky, if all else fails aim high (30,000 - 40,000))
now that we have a relay up and running we need to protect it you can set a password on the relay with
now just install what ever relay client you want to use (there still aient alot, thought i use the andriod app daily) and give it the server info.
The Real Takeaway
So by the end of this guide you should a pretty powerfull and good looking irc client setup. but thats not the importand part hopefully you also have a desen graspe on how weechat works, how to manage buffers, change settings, add keybinds and scripts and got a tates of some of the things you can do with weechat.